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On1120k9ginl eakeocroaowomleoft s e. wá wÁw ° www e .ww-w w°Ñ, swww> :rws d wwv eaC'd wwd w,wd 'wwd ww w w ww w rw , w {y ¡[[yyr"y yçyyyy ëwn CONTENTS. . ZlYOCluaion. Chap. I. Qf the 141 of fuftïfying Faith. Sed. I. Some general -" Rules necejfary. tQ be abferved in .Order to the right Up:- taking of juflifying Faith. I() Se& II. What Faith is not. 1.4 Sed. III.; What Faith is, and its potive c`1. 19 Chap: II. Of the Manner}or "Form of f Faith, z Sea. I. Yuflif,ying Faitl.«is cordial and praaacal. 4 . Se6t. II. Of the Fulnefs of Faiths Agent, where, oftheAfiurance of Faith, and zvhat ilffurance is neceffary. 42 Sea. III: Some OGjedions an f vered. 53 Seéi. 1V. Ofpirrticular Application of the I'romifes:'' Sed. V. Containing d.more full Enquiry into the Nature of Fa2thes particular Application of the Prorni(ès. §. What id itFait particularly applies? 7v Sei1, Pab.