Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

124 Of the Objea compleat and adequate Objeé of.Faith..Reafon (i.) Becaufe many may believe this, and never be raved, even tho' tt were granted to be a Truth ; for it being but a dogmatick Truth ; hence, as a Man may believe any other dogmatick Truth, by a dogmatick Faith, fuch as the Beingof God, Chrift's In- carnation and the l rinity,and want true Paving Faith : So may he this Propoíition, Chrift diedfor me; and yet want laying Faith. (2.) All l'apifIs, A3'Y% iìtians, Lutherans, and many profane, ignorant and Godlefs Wretches be- lieve molt confidently dut Chrift died for them ; and yet all tiaefe who do fo are nor faxed. (3.) A man may believe Chrift died for all, and fo confequently for him ; and yet defpair of Salvation through his Blood, if he do not believe the Virtue, Worth and Suffi, ciency of that Blood, but think his Sins_of filch an heinous Nature, as the Blood of Chrift cannot wafla them away, as Spira did ; or think, that tho' Chrift fhed his Blood for him, that yet it alone will not jufkify without the works of the Law : Therefore is not Chrift's Death for all, or for any Man particularly, the adequate Objeaof Faith. (q..) Becaufe, however the Death of Jefus Chrift fuffic.ient to fatisfy Divine Juftice, and toprocure all Mer- cies we ftand in need of, and flied for us, be the formal Objeaof Faith ; yet is it nor the material Objcec But faith looks to fom- thing