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offaving Fait& 125 thing elfe, viz,. the Salvation of the Soul, which it believes, becaufe of the Grace of the Lord Jefus, As xv. I I. AJJert. 3. Jefus Chrifiabfolutely confidered in himfelf, without the Promife and Word, is not the Obje& of Faith. Reafon CO Be- caufe Faith is an Af ent ; and therefore maf' look to fome Tefiimony : For Chrift without the Word is not a Saviour to Mankind, more- than to Devils, unlefs as promifed, and holden forth in the Word. (2.) Becaufe Chrift is not nakedly holden forth, but in a Promife and Word ; 'tis the Saying that is worthy of all Acceptation, t Tim. i. 15.. .AjJert. (4.) Theadequatecompleat Obje& of Faith is not the conditional Promife, If thou believefl thou fhált be laved ; neither any other conditional Promife whatfomever; for .however Faith Both believe the Truth of Conditional Promifes, and that the Soul is thereby both tirred up, and encouraged to confider the Gofpel and the Grounds of Be- lieving, and helped thereby, having fuffcient. Grounds to believe, and alfo clofing with Chrift, or believing on him, tho' conditional Promifes do give fufficient Ground to believe what is promifed conditionally, abfolutely; yet are not conditional Promifes the Object of lufiifying Faith. My Reafons are, (i.) Be- caufe many believe the Truth of the condi- tional Promifes, and yet are never faxed: Ma- ny