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132 Of the 'Objet is by them fuppòrted, but. they are not the only Obje& of Faith ;' for the Gofpel re- veals fomething elfe. Afer. 7. The obje&ive Teflimonÿ of the Spirit, whether by immediate, intelle&ual Revelation, or by extraordinary Dreams and. Vifions, teftifying we are Ele&, or juftified, or that our Sins are, or íhall be pardoned, are neither the formal. or material Obje& of Faith: Whether the Spirit may not, reveal immediately to force Souls that their Sins are pardoned, I will not difpute; but the ordinary and more lure Way is by the Word. Ifa. Viii. 20. Many of thefe who firft wit- neíïed againft Antichrifl, did incline to force obje&ive Teftimony of the Spirit, by which they were perfwaded of the Truth of the Scriptures, and of the Certainty of their own Salvation and Ele&ion, at leafy they feem- ed to (peak fo, and this was called, and is called by force, 7"he Seal and Teflimony ofthe Spirit, but that this objeEive Teftimony of the Spirit is not the' Obje& of juftifying Faith though it be the Efficient Caufe of 'our Faith, by which we are made, thro' the fubje&ìve Illumination of our Minds to be- lieve, and witnefs with the Word, whe- ther bÿ a difiirla Teftimony or not, I now will not debate, 'appears, (r.) Becaufe thefe Teffimonies, Revelations and inward Sug-. geflions, are oftentimes from the Devil And