Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

) Seven applicatory y whicl, the Soul doth apply ChriflYand Salva- tion, and the Promifes toit felf: 78 §. 3. Reafons for Applicati- on f the .Pyorni fes. 83 §. 4. Objeelions againfi particular , p-.{ plication of the .i?rontifes anfZUered. 93 §. 5. Wes of InflruElion and .Exhorta- tion, from the DoElrine of particular Application of the ,l?romifes.. 113 Chap. III. Of the Objea of faving Faith., 119; 'Sea. L Diverfe Opinions concerning the ObjeEl of ` juflifYing Paith, and fome Diflinc`ioñs fi-ren?ifed. 120 Sea. II. What isnot the Objea of juflifp- ing Faith. 123 Sea. III. What is the Obje3 of jufifj- ing Faith. 134 . Sea. IV, Ufes and praElical Nflrui-, onso > Chap. IV. Of the Subjea of Faith. 166 Sea. I. Some Poftions touching the Sub- jeEl of Faith. 158 Sea. II. Rea holding forth that the Under/landing is the proper, and imme- diate SubjeEl of Faith. a 75 Sea. III. Ob1eaions anf.uered. 179, Sea. IV. Shelving that the moral Subjeg of Faith is the humbled Soul,, where is treated briefly, o,e. preparatory Dz o atr- ,.y (' ' 3' fL" .i9 oiâs to .Faith: 185' í_ Se,