Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

Ofthe . S C To I II, 7/71-wt the Qbjea of juf1f jáazg Faith. Y á e Qbjeec of Faith in general is both Law and. Gofpel, and all the Truths contained in Scripture. .r1er. 2. 'J'he Prornifes ,iri the Gofpel f Salvation, and Life thròugh Chriit Jeftis, (who likewife is given) are the immt;dia.te9: formal Qbjed quo of they are that on which Faith leans, through which we fe-, the Things that are freely gzri)en yP3 of God, and they are" the itnìnediate Qbjcét, for there is fiYít a Clofing with the Prümife, as to the Truth of it-, and there is a Clofing with Chrift in and by the Promues :As if a Man would' fee hi.3 Shadow iii the Glafs, bis Eyes look fitft to the C71àfç, and thro' that fees his own Shadow or Itnage : The lafs is the immediate Qbjeet to which his.. $ight is terminated ; the Promifes are the riclie at whieh Ci:aritl and all the Promifts aree hung full get and tye this Girdle t© yOu9 and then have ail the Pearls that -;tre hanging at it. Now that it is fo, Con,. Beca,rde the Promifes are in Scrip- ture holden out IS the Qbje& rv which Faith terminated. iii. 14). 22. Heb. xi. i o, y, 36. 4 15. 2i4 zio z . Luke viii. á