'136 Of the Òbjea Word of the Lord, which 'endured) for ever.. -I Pet. i. z4, 25. So that the immediate and , formal Obje& of Faith ,is God's Promife ; for ask a'.éleliever why believes he filch a Thing I.,in ? Why exped yé Mercy ? He will arjfwer,and refolve his Faith in this, Becaufe of God's precious Promife holden out to me, and I am fo far concerned in it, as that °I am commanded to grip to it:- And there-, fore' grounds all my Claim of Salúatiori up- on it, and that if I do fo, I flail be fay cd, to me is Remiffion of Sins preached in Chrili's Blood. Affer, 3. Jefus Chrift may be two Ways coniìdered, (i.) As the Mean and Ordinance of God appointed for Salvation, and thus he is conGdered in his Name and Offices. Or, (2.) Jefus Chrift may b.e confidered as our Happinefs, and in this laft Confderatiy on, I.fay, Jefus Chrift is the material Olje of Faith, viz,. That which Faith believes, and with which the Affee,ions, which are Faith's .A:ttendants;do cloCe : For Faith comes not a- lone, if of the right Stamp, but with the At- fedions,which feed on Chriftt received byFaith. And truly, whoever receive Chriff, and nei- ther lov; nor efteem him, never receive Chriff, ut a Fancy of their own Heads. 7jrue Faith, works by Lotie : For in the Covenant of Grace: thpr: are two Things, Chrif} himfélf, and all' 43enefitsm Secondly, The Word of Pro, rxrif