of faving Faith. 137 mire in which thefe are conveyed. It's Love to Chrift that makes the Believer clofe with Chrift For Faith clofes with the Promife as. Truth ; and Love , clofes with it as Good. john xiv. 6. Chrifl is both the Way and the Life,. the Means and the End ; and as he is the Way or Means,he is the formal Ob- jeá of Faith ; as he is the End, he is the material Objeá of Faith. Affer. 4. Jefus Chrift as crucified, and cru- cified for our Sins, as the Mean of juftifi- cation, is the formal Obje f, and that on which Faith believes. (r.) When I lay Je- fus Chrift, I mean the Name of Chrift, his Power, Sufficiency, Merit, his Offices, as he is the Ordinance and Way to Eternal Life, 'tis from this Watch- tower the Soul fees Good coming. f ohn iii. 17. God fent not his Son to condemn the ITlorld, but that the World through him might be Paved : Nothing can be expeded from this Saviour but good~ Will: It's by Accident Chrift condemns, but his primar End is to give Life to the World, Chriít firf fits on a Throne of Grace, from which iífues Nothing but Mercy and good Will; but when this proffered Grace is flight- ed, thendoth this, Lord Jefus fit on. a Throne- of Juftice, and iffues Out Sentences of Con- demnation, fo that Chrift is the Foundati, on of Faith. (2.) I fay, Jefus Chrift as çrucified : For Salvation is through his Blood, Rom,