Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

of falling Faith. 139 Chrifl made a Curfè for me particularly, and fo delivering me from the Law (mull I fay fee) by Faith, before .I can rely, or refs ort him' for Salvation : Faith therefore that ju- ftifies muff bring fomething along with it, mutt fay fomething that in Law will bear Weight, ere I can be abfolved ; Look there- fore, as when ye are charged for a Debt which ye juftly owed ; if ye plead before the Court that ye may be abfolved, why ? Fecaufe f uch a one bath fatisfied for the Debt of fo many, betide me, and is able to fatisfie for me ; there was a Price laid down ; but, will the judge fay, Was it for you this Ranfom was paid ? Elfe ye lay nothing in Law :Wherefore Faith which ;unifies, not only lay Hold on a Ranforn in gene- ral, but oil a Ranfom laid down for them ti Whoever therefore fhall plead to be abfolv- ed from a Debt, and fay I am nor liable to this Debt : Anci therefore ought to be fimplic7ter abfolved from this Precefs; in re fpee't there is Satisfaátion made already for all I ow, here is my Difcharge. This will hold and fuftain in Juftice and Law; but to fay in general Terms, a Man is and hath fatisfied for others, and I know not but for me : This will never bear you off ir Law; ye mull fay pofitively for ,you fek ye mull when you plead for Juitihcati- On, op tl'e Account of Chrit's Satisfaaion