Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

of faving Faith. 143 can by believing be reconciled with God ; and this we mull believe as holden out to us, ei- ther exprefly, or implicitely : And therefore I fay, (3.) That there are many who do not ex- prefly and formally believe on Chrift crucify'd for their Sins, that yet materially, and upon the Matter do fo, tho' they themfelves do not fee it exprefly ; and this everyone that grounds their Salvation on Chrift's Merits doth, However, they be not diítiné in their Af- feat to this Propofìtion, Chrift diedfor me; andthis I know by Experience. Now, look as all Believers ground ,their Hopes of Salvation on Chrift's Merits and Sufferings; and as thefe Merits and Sufferings cannot otherwife fave them, or be Ground of Faith for Salva- tion for them, than as this Blood was flied for them, and as they have Intereft in thefe Suf e rim's; for if no Interef} in them, then is it impofïible they can fave them ; yea, they are in themfelves infullicient to fave them : So, of Neceffity, if they look to, and believe on Chrift crucified, for Salvation, they mull ma- terially and implicitely, at leaf}, believe on Chrift that died for them ; and the Spirit of God makes many fwallow this down. in the Lump, : who do not exprefly believe Chrift died for them, nor diftinalF know they do fo r