Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

6f faving Faith. 14 believe my Salvation through Chrift Jefus and his Merits ; for he that believeth on Chrift for Salvation, doth believe he Mali be Paved. through Chrift. (I.) I fay, The Promifes, or the Covenant of Grace in the Gofpel, are the Obje& of Faith o To ex-. dude other Truths 'of Scripture: For howe- ver juftifying Faith doth believe all Things contained in the Scripture, both Law and Gofpel, yet doth not Faith juftifie us, as it cloth' believe thefe other Truths, but as lay., ing Hold on the Gofpel- Truths and Proms mites Faith, as juftifying, refpe is not the Law, but flies from it. (z.) I fay, Promif ing Chrift abfoluteiy To exclude conditional Pr©mifes, that the Inheritance might be fore as to Title, and not fail through' a Claufe irrira t. (3..) I fay, Promifing Chríff Pew ca ;fe he is the.'Subliance of the Covenant of Grace, the main and principal Thing: And therefore called the Covenayt it felf ¡fa. xlii. 6. ". have givenhint for a Covenant of the People, thro' whom all the PrQmifes are Tea and Amen, and ró whom they are far,f made, as by him to others. Ga _ iii. 16. As the fin i 'Covenant of Works' was indeed firf made with Adam, and all his Pofierity were therein concerned, yet was this Covenant made firfily v _ith Adam, 'who was, the im- mediate Subj(,:', with whom God tram fatted, and in `'hom we all were tO nand or Itl