Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

146 Of ate Objéa fall, as likewife to exclude filch, who .clofe with the Promifes of Mercy, but do not dole with Chrift himfelf. I fay, (4.) Chrift with all his Benefits: To exclude that Faith, and fuch Profeífors that clofe with fome of Chrift's Benefits, fuch as Peace and Mercy, Freedom from Hell,with which, for a While, they may be much affeLed, as the flony Ground was, Matti); xiii. but clofe not with' Chrift for all his Benefits, they love not Ho- linefs, nor to be divòrced from their Sins O beware of picking and chuffing here; take all or none.; Chrift gives out in whole Sale, not in Retail. (S.) I fay, That this is in Order to Salvation, or Salvation thro' Chrifi : Becaufe this is the End of the Pro miles, and which the Sinner bath in his Eye : Why doth be dole with Chrift, but to make ufe of him for Salvation ? For Faith is not a fpeculative Knowledge, that fits in the Contemplation of its Object, but a praé i- cal Knowledge :, And therefore is in Order to Salvation : As a Man that receives a Difcharge of an Obligation lying over his Head, or that receives !a Bond, Both not only read it, and know what is therein con- tained, and then lets it ly ufelefs betide him. No, but receives and keeps the Bond to make Money. of it, and raife 'legal Exe- cution thereupon. He receiveltthe Difcharge, to prefent it in Judgment, and'. to guard him againft