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offfavi5g Faith. 149 Upon the Promifes of the Gofpel holding: forth Jefus Chrifi as the Ordinance of God for Salvation, Sam. xxiii. S. This .Cove- nant well ordered in all Things and fureiâ all my Salvation. Hence, Affer. 7. .Jefus Chrif,who is both the Wray, and the Truth, and the Life, yohn xiv. 6. is both the formal and material Objet of Faith: And is therefore the complear, adequate Ob-` jai of, Faith : Jefus Chrift is the Life, or Man's End and Happinefs, as he is en- joyed ; fo he is the material Obje& of Faith, that which Faith believes, and which it bath in its Eye, i Cor., ii, 2. I determined to know nothing among you tut efii Chrifi, and ,him crucified. Yohn xvii. 3. this is Life eter nal to know flee the only true God, and e .Ì f Chrifi, whom thou hall fent : This is it which the Soul looks for, hopes to enjoy, even_ Je- fus Chrifi himfelf, in enjoying of whom the Soul's Felicity doth coníih 'Tis "Chrifi in whom are treafured all the Treafures of Wif- dom and Knowledge ; which the Soulcloth want, and ífands moli in Need of: And therefore ,'tis enjoying of him the 'Soul ma- terially wants, he is the Soul's Salvation. s Cor. i. 31. (2dly,) Confider as he is the Wray, or Mean,and Ordinance of God for Salvation; fo confidered,he is the formal Object of Faith, that, is confidering Chrift as appointed of Cod,. and qualified for laving of Sinners,full of