Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

5 2 Of tie Objc'c` 1arly to this and that Man; but indefinite iy or virtually only: They are as a Bond Of a Sum of Money made to a blank Perfori, the Bond cloth not convey the Right of the Money therein contained, particularlyand de- terrninately, and formally to any particu- lar Perkin whatfoever, but only virtually and indefinitely, till forte Petfon's Name be fil- led up therein; and then it enunciates to him particularly, a.bfolureiy, and .formally, what is contained in that Bond ; fo the Pro-- 114ifes are made indefinitely to all, but par- ticularly to gone, they are blank as to the Perfons to whom.they enunciate the Bene_ £it to be declared; by Faith we infert our Names in tlef. indefinite; virtual Pro - mires, and fo make them f ?ealt determinate- , ly to us, and they become ours formally and ac`ually, in which before we were on- ly indeterminately and virtually concerned And hence nothing but God's Word is, or can be the Objea, ofFaith fnbffantial- ly, and effential.Iy ; but God's Word as it is the aátual Object of Faith, is modal- ly difi'erent from what it was ; Before Faith, it was conditional, indeterminate, and vir- tual_; now it is abfolute, particular apd ac-- tual, as Faith clofes with it ; which is the Condition of the Promifc's Acrtuality, and 30eterininer of its Generality, a,nd Efficient. pt its 4.ftaality> SECT r