Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

I54. Of the Oljeci they have in God's Word, what Promife did they ever lay Hold on ? or what Word did the Lord caufr them in their .Liíirefs hope on, and uphold them with ? Why here, they are at a Lofs, they can tell nothing of that, only they hope well : The Truth is, they imagine ir, . and iiiftead of tattling on Chrift,. they trufi on their Fancy. Mic. iii. i.e. If you have no Word to ground your Faith upon, your Faith is groundlefs': Thefe cannot give a Reafon of the Hope that is in them; they pretend to a Legacy, but can- riot inftruEt one Article of the Tef}ament comprehending them. (z.) Some who make Revelation objeaive theGround of theirFaith,that clofe withChrift becaufe of foine intérnal Manifeflation, which they call the Teflimony of the Spirit ; but the Formal ©bjef of Faith is God's Will, as mániferred in the Scripture The bleffed Spirit's rJ'eftiinony I grant is the Objed of our Faith: But -the Spirit fpeak- cth not norteftifieth to us but in his Word : As he that brings no Ground but his own Alledgance, will not be fúfiained ; fo he that produces not,nor alle,dges authentick'Grounds of Law, upon which he either founds his Claim, or his Defence is likewife : faith the Spirit, perfwaded me I had fucli. a Manifeflation : But unde conflat it was the Spirit of God ? Is it not in his Word,that your