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56 Of the Ohjea and hence come to Chrift not to be healed, but to be eafed and comforted ; and fo think- ing and believing to have Peace rho' they walk in the Imaginations of their own Heart, are curled. beut. xxix. 19. Such (4.) as come to, and Ode with a Chrift and Idol of their own Fancy, and it is thus, When Men hear tell of Chrift, the Idolatry of the carnal Mind cloth prefently form a Kind of carnal Image of Chrift in its own Fancy, and falls down and worships, . and believes this Idol thus fà,rcied. Hof xiii. 2. Aijs xvii. 29. The Heathens and old fuperftitious idolaters hearing tel:. of ;a Dei- ty, they prefently formed force Notion and Fancy thereof in their Imaginations, and to the Intent this might continue, and that their roving Underfcandings might, in their Worship, be fixed as to the Objea of their Worship, they made an external Objeá or Image forne Way fuitable to the Reprefen- Cation of God in their Minds, and they wor- Ihip- this, and this the Lord in all , Scrip- ture repioveth; fo many do withChrift, their Imagination formeth forne Idea of him to what the idolatrous canal Mind Both affil- milate him, which Idea is all they have for. Chrift : Verily when Chrift is extetiraliy' re- vealed, there ¡uft be a glorious Light to ,difcover Chrift as he is in himfeif, which Light is irôm God alone, and d fupertiatu- ral