Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

ßr5 -CV the Object Chrift, Hell, Wrath, and Sin really as they are, is the firli fpiritual and fundamental Difference between a truly godly Man, to whom the Arm of the Lord is revealed, and .another carnal Man, though never otherwife fo well qualified And as this Light loth fpring out of Darknefs ; z Cor. iv. 6. fo when it Mines and difcovers fpiritual Gbje&s, it makes the Soul .fee its former Blindnefs, and till this marvelous Light of Glory Thine in fome Meafure into thy Soul, thou art but a Stranger unto the Kingdom of God, and Work of Grace And Night andDay when- ever thou rnakelt thy Addrefs to God, or Chrift, art guilty of fpiritual Idolatry, wor- fhiping that Idol of thy own framing And hence, yohn vi. 40; Seeing of the Son, and believing on him are joined together, which Peeing of Chrift is the Gift of God, as Faith is, and is fo far above the natu- ral Man, that he cannot thus fee, metre than the ftone-blind Man can behold what is before him : This is the Form of Know- ledge which many have. Rom. ii 20. And hence Folk talk of what they underftand ,not, and affirm of what they know not. #` pint. i. 7. (s.) Such as ciofe with Chrift for Fow- tr againft forne Sins, which firaiten and pain their Confcience molt, but do not dole . with him for Power againft all Silas, nor yet 1