Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

2 The Introdutt ion. to the Model of that Religion they would obi trude upon the World, have they fquared their Faith, and Notion thereof; and, as I think, hé who errs in Faith, and in the Article of the Covenant of Grace, cannot be accoun- ted found in other Points: (fuch Influence it hath ow the whole of Religion) So, I can hardly think himheterodox, or dangeroufly fo, who is found in this Article. But however various, diverfe and contra- cdiaory Folk's Conceptions and Sentiments of juftifying Faith have been ; yet is it on all Hands granted, That Faith is a Matter of fuch Importance, that it is the great Concern of all, not to be miftaken therein, and very defireable not only to have true, but clear Conceptions of this Myflery; of which, who acknowledge not the Difficulty, do, to the oft exercifed herein, but difcover their flight and fuperficial Acquaintance therewith, infomuch, that they who have the Root of this Matter in then?, and have been, through Grace, able to hold out the Candle to others, and that with great Satisfation and ,bleffed Succefs, muff yet acknowledge force Knots, they cannot get looted, force Paths unfeen by the Vultures' Eye. Tho it be true, ( and I heartily dole with it), that it is better to live by Faith, than to be able to give an ac- curate Definition thereof; and that many who live this Life, yet cannot exprefs, or djUin6tly