, '166 Of the Subjea luot hold out Security: fait-Kim; for a firm I3,e- lief, that the Name of the Lord is not fa firong a Tower as the Righteous may therein be false; but that there are flill Grounds of Fear 'arad jealoufies. (s.) Confider, that 'tis the End of thefe Promifes, that youmight believe, therefore you have your Scruples, that you feenot fuch Ground to tiVarranci you as you would defire, but multiplieíl your C,bjcfti- pris. Remember, that the Lord did declare thefe glad Tidings for this End, That you might believe, that your Truft might be in him; and if the ,prornife be the Ground and Mean of Faith, then is it fufficient for thy Security. And fo much_ for the Obje,ec of Faith. mmtmalmauwaAvasawswAo C A P. I V. Of the subja of Faith. T is without Doubt that theSoul of Man is the remote Subje& of Faith,; for it is a Grace wrought irrithe Heart, vrhíh 'is Subje4 recipient of ai gracious Qpalities, Xòr4. x. 9. but it is difp tef what is the pro- per, ámediate3 and déqtrate Stxbjeet of ai'th? Con--