Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

7 7o Of the &dial tho' it only and chiefly believes Look, as A is in a Man's coming to a Feaft, to which Faith is compared, Mat. xxii. is the Hand which takes and receives the Meat offered and fet down before it, tho' the Hand be not without the reft of the Members, without which the Man could not come to the Feaft, and which are fome Way exercifed in feeding, as Mouth, Stomach, Teeth and Belly; fo the Underftanding fees and commends the Things offered as excellent, fees its Title to thefe Things; and hence lays hold on the Word of Promife, applying this to it fell, which apprehended as its own, the reft of the Affe&ions feed thereupon, received and ap- plied by Faith, and rat thereon ; from which proceeis Strength, Life, and. Confolation. 'Tis true, he that corneth to this:Feaff, ;muff come with Hunger, Delire. and 'Eflimation, or elfe he can never eat with the Mouth opened wide:, As a Man, if he want a Stomach can- not car; but it is not his Stomach, Hunger, or Delire that feifes on the Meat ; "tis the Hand, which Hand is the Underftinding, by particular Application, receiving,Chrift as its own, and that the Will and Affdions do contur in believing, ray appear, (i.) Other- wife Faith were nothingbut a general. Aftent ; it would never apply particularly, unlefs im- perate, by the Will. A Man that is not hungry :may fee Meat, and that: lie may eat thereof,