Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

ofFaith, SECT. II. Rea,fons holding forth that the Under,fianc4z2g is the proper and immediate Subjetl of Faith. Rea. I. Fcaufe all Faith,as to itspri 1cipal A t,is A fiër t. _ Now the adequate Subje& of Affent is : the Underftandin ; it is true, Faith is a cordial Affent; but its Cordialnefs (fo to (peak) being in Vice of the Form of Faith, tho', it be in the Will : Yet is it not therefore laid of Faith it fell, that it is in the Will, becaule that which Faith imports in ..reFlo, is not in the Will Whitenefs is in the Predicament of Accident, yetthe white Wall cannot be Laid to be an Ac- cident, or Quality, tho' the accidental Form thereof be an Accident; fo tho' that which Faith connorates, and is as a Part of its conflitutive Form, and in Vice thereof, be in the. Will; yet Faith it Pelf cannot be Paid to be in the Will. Rea. 2. 'Tis hard to conceive, how one iiinple Grace or Habit, can be feared in two difain& Faculties. Habits and A&s are ipeci6ed from the diftin& Principle they pro- ceed ; from, and are feared in. The Under- fkanding and Will being difiin& Faculties, and as filch fpecifically diftin& from one another; it ITILla needs follow that the Tla-