Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

4, Of the S'ubjet 0f him ; but the Soul, without the ?, cannot be united to Chrifl,"doth not clofe with him, rece'vl pm: Therefore the T'I/e/l is at leall the par SubjeE of Faith. This Argument is further firmed; becaufe it is not by believing ofany P .pofitiins or ?'uths, nor by particular Application we are jufi fed; 6;4'w by the Willand AfeRi- ans receiving ofhim, and enjoying him ; andfo ,malting him ours, and his Righteoulñefr ours. Further, in Faith thewhole Soul`comes to Chrif; áf the Underllanding only did believe, the whole koul would not come to fhri f . Anf.. True, Faith is the Union of the Soul With Chrift, a doting with, and receives jug of him.: And it is true, That Faith with- out the Will ,cannot. receive Chriff ; vet it path not follow, that Faith is fubjeaively fcated in the Will: For Faith is not formally the Union of the whole Will with Chrift, tho' by the AO: of Faith the whole Soul is united with Chriff ; becaufe Faith not only fees the Truth of the Pt omiffcs ; hut fees the Good- 2efs of the Thing romifsed and y p flsts up the Will to embrace the Good promif. d : And in as much as it (firs up the Will to. embrace Chrifi, ' fain ro embrace Chrift it fe}f, by particular 6\ pplication of Chrill to the Soul : For weare united with Chriit icy Love ; but faith is not Love. `Obje6i. 5. Our Unbelief is attributed to the Wig Ire will not co,tp to mac that 'ye may lave