of Faith. S 5 and that the Ad of Believing be in the Un- dlerftanding, then I thinly Faith's principal Ad, and what it faith in redo, is in the Un- dgrflanding, tho' its fiducial Recumbence im- ported by the Word, On Chrifi, be in the dill, which it faith in obliquo. SECT. IV. Showing that the moral Subfed of Faith is the humble Soul ; 'where is briefly of prc paratory DiJpcfitìons to Edith. RE I fpealç of the moral Subject of Faith, I would (peak to two other Ob- jedions brought in again ft theUnderflanding's being the Subject of Faith. Objed. i Faith is a rolling of our felves on, coming to, and receiving of Çhrif ; but theft are properly AE s of the Will. Anf. Tea, thofe are properly Ads of the Under. landing, as E,eniuis faith, as to that which they properly import, which is an Af- feint, tho' in Regard of what Faith Both con- notate ; it imports fomerhing in the Will: For to truíi to a Man, is but to give Affenr to his Word. The Acquiefcence or 'Refs of the Soul, and Security of the Heart, aria ling through Confidence of the Man's Truth, and Goodnefs of that Thing promifed, is an ffcó of Faith given at fird to his Word J3Lt