Ofthe Subject But as I laid, 'tis little material And there- fore j forbear further to meddle in' it. The moral Subject capable of believing, is, in a Mord, the humble Soul blokes from the World, from Sin and Self-righteouftels Not as tho' there were no Sin, no Wdridlinefs re- maining ; but that the Power of= thefe is broken, and the Refinance to-the Lord; Jefus in the Gofpel is taken away= : For a Man fallen in Adam is not only without God and Ch=ili, but is unwilling to receive Chr i'I ; f ohs v. 40. Luke xix. 14. partly through Love to Idols, partly through ignorance: wi ereby he knows not his ; and therefore cannot prize Chrift to bring him out of it ; partly by his Prefnmption, he thinks him elf well enough without Chriii, and he lippens to fore Good he either hath, or hopes to have, and hence will not fubmit unto the RighteouJnef of Chrifi Therefore Both the Lord by Contrition, Con- viEi:ion, and Humiliation, take away this Refifiance, by Thawing Sin, and the Evil thereof, and of the World, fo as the Soul is made to groan, as the Ifraedites under their Bondage, and, by tue Discovery of its U,n- doneneis, the Soul. is made to welcome 'a Sa- viour, and to corne gladly to him, that it may 'lave Life ; The Lord likewife difcovers the Sinfulnefs of the Heart, ics, original Corrup ;jon, the Sinfulnefs and Vileneff of all its Duties