Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

of Fatly 187 Duties, until all its carnal Confidence ceafe,_ and thereby is made, yea forc'd to betake it felf to the Righteoufnejs of Chrifl. As much, then, Sorrow for, and loadning with Sin, is required, as makes the Soul willing to be fa- %ed by Chrif.I, and in the Gofpel Way ;' and tho' this item a ímall Matter to many; yet is it neceîary that the Almighty Power of God work it : It is hard to convince Man of his tniferaÜle Condition, who naturally is inclin- ed to think much better of himfeif than he really is, to affect the Heart (hard as Steel) with Sin, and to make it bow andyield : ''Fis hard to make a Man willing to quit his Lulls, which are as a Right, Hand and Eve to hint; which are his very Life to him ; and to fie the vilenefs of`his Heart and Duties, fo as to fee a neccfirty of another Way of SalvaT Lion ; and not only fo, but to be well pleated with, and love this Way of Salvation, fo crofs to the proud Heart. This is hard ; it is hard to get the proud Heart to fall down before the Lord, and to fee the Equity of his Ways in his harder Proceedings with it, fo as to lay the Mouth in the Duff, and be Client be- fore the Lord : But this mull be; thefe Stun). bling-blocks muff be removed, thefe 1l tains made Plain, and thefe rough Ways made frn000he, ere the Lord's Way he prepared ; l this Tradi of Ignorance, Pride, Security, and f nbçi ef, mud be firft facet out of the Soul, and