3, 38 Of the Subjea 4nd the Soul emptied thereof; ere the Lord.. Tefus corne. S E C T. V,. Amore particular Enquiry into the NItzare, l'lern-: fasre, hreçcflity and influence oj Preparations by the ..l.dtu:. in Qyller to our Union with Chrifi. 6. I. Some Pofitions laiddown. (;,) LL Mankind hath fallen in a bot ,.._ tomlefs GUlph of Sin and Mil' Acm. v. 12. Eph. ii. á, 2, 3: Eccicf, 7. 29 a<né Man Sin 'entr,ed into the World, and Deiath ;r' Sin. ( 2.) Man, tho' fallen, is yet not in a dél: fi%crate Condition, as Devils are ; but the Lora bath appointed a Remedy, iiy which .the Crea-' lurC is fuGjebled in I-lope ; there is Help for fuch as have dpfiz-royed themfelves; and poor Man is allowed to hope, the Lordmay te grrL- Çiot4is, Rom. viii. 1 O. .Hvf. xiii. 9. . (3.) The mifera,ble forlorn Sinner's Help is in Chrifi, Ho{. xiii. 9. God hath given 14s Life, and this Life is in his Son. John i. 4. IN him w.r6 Life, .and the Life z.ucg the Light of :Nei?, (.4) By