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of Faith 18? Is (4.) By coming to him we get Life there-- i no Life but through Faith, or corning to, and receiving of Chria, yohn v. 40. re will not come to Vie, that ye may have Life. (5.) Tho' there be a Remedy by coming to Chris ; yet cannot woful Man, by Reafonof the Impediments in the Way and perfonal Indifpofìtions come to Chrifi, in whom Sal- vation and Deliverance from this woful Cal-4 is to be had : Man is not only at Difiance with God, but cannot come to him for Help; For we are dead in ii'efpafes and. Sins. Fphef. 1. f ohn 6. 14. No Man can come to me except the Father draw him. Hence Ephraim cries, Lord, turn me, and I 'hall be turned. Hence tJly are faid to be compelled to come in.Zegene-. rtcton is a Work of Creation. (6.) The Im- pediments hindring Man to come to Chrift for Help, are, Ignorance of his Cafe, through ihich he thinks he is whole, and fo needeth not the Phyfician ; Hard-heartednefs, by which he is infenfible of his Mifery, and fo cannot gladly receive the Lord Jefus to fave him from his fad Condition, Love to the World, which fills up Chrift's Room; Confidence in Duties, and.lippening to them, through which it is that they do not fubmit unto the Rig'hteoufnefs of God a proud quarreling Spirit with the Lord, in Cafe hedo not help, as unjuft, which the Lord reffleth. Finally, Averfion to Chrífl; whereby, when Sin and Mifery, and the In- (u ixci-