X90 ©f' the ,Subjea 41f&ien0 of all- Duties are 'difcovered, the Soul; is yet unwilling to be laved by Chrift in the Gofpel Way, tho' it fees a Neceflity of Salvation, and would gladly be faxed any other Way, but by Grace, tho' it were by gi ving of the Fruits of its Body, for the Sin ofits Soul. Eph. iv. 18, 19. Ifai. 6. r o. Rom, vii. iy 2, 4, 6. James iv. 6. Ifai. liii, 1, 2, 3, 4. Luke 19. r4. (j.) Thefe Impediments therefore muff be removed out of the Way, ere the Soul can come to Chrift. (8.) This is done by a Work of Convi&ion, Contrition, Humiliation, and Illumination. . (9.) The Meafure, Manner and Circum` fances in this Work of Converfion, and efpe cially by which the Soul is fitted for Chrift, are not alike in all : The Way of the Lord is va- rious here; many Circumfla? ces concur as to one Man's Converfion, that lothnot asro ano- ther, as may be clear not only in our own Experience, but is manifeft by looking unto Examples of Scripture of Perlons converted, as in the Yailor and Lrdi a There were foie' Circumfta_:aces in Paul's Converfion, thatwere not tyfig the Converfion cf there, Acs ii 37. God is a free Agent, and bath not boun- ded hiinfelf, but worketh when and how he . will, and by a manifold Variety in every Thing, difplayeth his own infinite and mar- vellous W ifdom.