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Faith '9t (io.) Tho' it be difputed, Whether, theft Preparations which are in the EIeet, be dìf e-. rent from what is found in Hypocrites by a common \Volk of the Spirit; yet I think it more probable, that theydo differ in their Na- ture, even as the laving fpecial Graces of the one, are different from the common and feem-, i"ug Graces of the other : The Lord by theft Preparations fitting the Elea for fpecial Grace, it is probable they mull have fomething in them that is fpecial, fuitable to that fpecial Grace the Lord is by theft: difpofing them to receive; even as the Difpofitions of an Em- bryo of a rational Creature, are different from- the Difpolitions of a Brute. (z t.) There may be real Humiliation and Preparation of the Soul for Chrift, tho' there. be much Senfe of Blindnefs and Hardnefs of Heart; and rho' the Soul fee not, nor can tell what the Lord is doing with it : It is ordina- ry for both good and Bad to mifiake their' Cafe, If ai. lsiii. r. (I2.) Thefe Preparations givenot Right to 'believe, nor are the proper Grounds of Faith; they enable us only to believe :.And therefore, as a holy_ Man now in Glory laid, [7o be: weary and heavy Iaden, is rather the Qualzf .cation of fuch as will come to Chrift, than ofthofe who ousht to cane to G'hrijt.] Believing" honours God, and th tcore an are bound to it