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192 Of the Babe. --ìt yea fuch as were Never humbled, are condemned, for Unbelief, Rev. iii. 18. f oha vi. 27. 29. (13.) Yet unhumbled Sinners are not ro believe immediately; but in that Way, and Manner, and Method, and Order God re- quires, and is (bitable for him to receive fuch as corne to him: Unhumbled Sinners are to believe, but fill in God's Method, and Order, and Manner. (14.) Hence it follows the greater Mean fure of Humiliation, and the more difpof d the Soul be, the greater Meafureof Grace is conferred ordinarily : As if ye fee a Work- man hewing a Piece of 'Timber, the more hollow and void he makes ir, it is a Token he hath a Purpofe to make it contain the more Liquor, or to fill it the more ; God and Nature working nothing in vain : As Grace is a Sort of Difpolition for Glory, as the more Grace the more Glory, accord- ing to the moft ordinary and probable Op-. nion ; fo the more Difpofitions for Grace, the more Grace : The higher and more íiatély the Building is to be, the deeper is it founded. (i5.) Yet is not this to be underfiood of all Difpofitions, and all the Steps of Humili- ation : For neither do the móf{ convinced, inoft afeEted, and burdened with Wrath, or that have moft, Law-Work, prove always the