f , Faith. the belt Chrii}ians, in Refpe& other Difpo -"' fiions; are net anfwerable, it may be, th& more tormented with the Burden and Sense of. Sin and Wrath, that yet they are not fo broken from their own 4.Righteoufilefs, and though very contrite, yet not much, humbled, nor. yet have _ that Meafure of Light difcovering of Chrift's Excellency, fo full a Revelation of the Gofpel and Co- venant, through the Imperfection of which, their Faith and Gofpel Graces prove not -fo Prong, as the Faith and Graces of others who have had lets Terrors and Senfe of Sirs, . and Lawwork, but more Humilation and Gofpel-Illumination. ' (i 6.) Whether the Lord may not work Faith and Grace without any of thefe Pre- parations, in an extraordinary Way, as with Jufants, I fh.all not difpute but this is the. ordinary Way, and is fill in Nature, if not always in Order of Time, prior to fay- i:rig Grace, though the Lord may make k (as Mr. funs faith) as the Lightning which goeth from the one End of Heaven to the other, in an Infant And therefore Folk may be under real - .Preparations, and ordinarily .are fo, without the leaf, Spark of Faith, or laving ,Grace- formally, they are in their Way to Chrift, not ,yet come to him, fit- sting for the Building, yet 4o0 living Stones in ti; Buildin.., N (g7.) Them