The hntroduc`iion: Neceffity thereof ; than which, yet nothing lefs can we fee in its Effeíts it bath, on the World,or on its Abettors : And therefore, if not able to flop the growingPoifon and Gangrene, Iwas yet defirous to give my Teflimony againft ito and for the Faith once delivered to the Saints. (4,) I truft'it (hall not be judged Prefumpti- on for me to fay, That in my Apprehenfion, this DoEirine of Faith and Juflification by ir, bath been flrangely jumbled and obfcured by many, through their Logical Intricacies and Subtilties, fore inextricable Difficulties ail' appearing, ftraitning the exercifed Confcience, infomuch as here bath been the Place of the breaking forth of Children, where force unwife ;eons have long flayed, being like the Ram, - Gen. 2 2. caught in the 2'hicket, ,which could neither win forward nor backward, come to the Birth, andyet not able to bringforth, : andwhich Difficulties have not been fo much as noticed by fame; and if touched by others, yet ill cleared, and but confounded by general Phi- lofophick Notions ; in which the Senfe, as wraps in a Cloud, bath been delivered us; forrme flraitning the Grace of God, through the malicious turning of it to Wantonnefs; in others, whom, in Oppofition to fuch as ,did plead for fuftifacation by the Works of the Law, they did perceive dafn on that Rock. Here is at leafl a Difcovery of force of thefeDifficulties, and the Finger put upon the Knot, if not A 3 100E4