194 Of the Subje6 < (r.) There may be much Convi&ion of Sin, great Senfe of, and Terrors for Sin and Wrath, much Diligence in the Ufe of Means, and yet ordinarily, if Grace pre- vent not, there is a. Heart in League with the Law, not broken from it and Self- righteoufnefs, much Pride in refining the Lord, by murmuring and quarrelling with the Lord for delaying, or (imply Teeming to refufe to help. (r8.) While it is thus with the Soul, quar- relling with the Lord, and claiming of Grace upon Account of Juffice, the Soul is nei- ther fit for Grace, nor is it fuitable to the Lord's Honour and his Way of venting of ' race, to bellow Mercy upon fuch a Soul, 'whiles I fay, in fuch a Cafe. 09.) Therefore loth the Lord break this Pride of Pleart and lays the Soul low at his Feet, "-convincing it of its own Vilenefs in. ,a greater Meafure, of the Si nfulnefs of aIl its Duties, and of his Equity and Ju- flice, in dealing with it as he loth ; fo as the Soul fubmits it felf to the Will of God to be difpofed of at his Pleafure,and is filent, quarrels not, but accepts the Punijhment of Lis Sin. Luke ' xv. 19. Mic. vii. 9. Lam. iii. '27, .28, z ,= 3 รถ. 'Tis to the Humble Godgiv- eth Grace, and re /fieth the Proud. (zoo) All there preparatory Difpofitions, and gracious Workings, are yet far diffe- rent