e -kith. it 9 rent from there gracious Qualifications which'> are in the Sour after Faith : Thefe Difpo- fitions being wrought before Faith, by an immediate Act of the Spirit on the Hearrsi and may be called a nal. Grace, and 'do not proceed from any `-Habit of Grace, as they do afterwards,-when the Soul believes and is united to Chtiff by Faith Neither do they proceed from Faith and Love, nor are Fruits brought forth unto die fecond Husband, but are brought forth from, and to the Law,the fiu fl Husband, now living and exa ercifng its Dominion in the Soul And as thefe preparatory Workings and Difpofitions are far above and 'fpecifically different from all natural, moral Aftings, in Reference to the f n'e Objeas; fo are they fpecifically di- íiinet from, and far inferior to thefe A&-- ings which proceed .from a Habit of Faith, rn fuch as are a6tualiyUnited with Chriit, C