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i 96 Of the Subject SEÇT.II. Containing a Vindication of Mr. Thomas Shep- herd in New England, his DoErine of Humiliation, from the Exceptions of Giles Finnin, in a Book publifh'd by him, called, The real Chriftian. I..had Thoughts of this Sube&, I SIñGe. have ken a little Treatife, entituled, The rear Chriflian, written by one Mr. Giles Firmin; in which are force good Things wor- thy of Confederation ; and who yet only bathhad the Confidence (among fuch as are in Repute for Godlinefs, for what prophane Ruf- fians in. their. Pamphlets bark is not to be noticed, to oppofe that great Man, and pre- cious ; Servant of Chriít, Mr. 25homaa, Shep- herd. In which Book, (that his Arguments may the better pafs,) he gives force comple- menting Commendations to his Adverfary, but mixed here and there with force dif dainful frotLy and íharp Refle&ions : Hav- ing noticed therefore his Arguments, and finding them weak, and moftly proceeding from the Man's Mifapprehenfions of what Mr. Shepherd faìth,verifying that of the Poet, _ _Infelix puer, atque impar congref fives Achilli ; Refpe& both to the Truth, and to the precious Memory of that Interpreter, one