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offav ng Faith. 197 one of a 7houjand, and to difcharge fome Part of the Obligations put upon me by that worthy Man, whole Labours have been be. yond the Labours of all, in a fpecîal Man- ner, bleíled of God to me, although no o- therwife acquainted with him I did there- fore think fit to notice force Things fet down in Mr..Firmin, in this fmal Treatife, and to let them down here ; (having a lar- ger Review of the whole Book betides me) especially the chief Arguments he uled a- gainft Mr. Shepherd's Dó&rive of Humili- ation contained in his Book, called, The found Believer, which are either againi$ what Mr Shepherd Pets down of Preparations in general to Chrift, expreh by him, by the two Steps of C.onviion and Contrition, or are particularly direçed agai eft what Mr. Shepherd faith of the Soul's Humiliation, which he makes the third Ate of Chrifi's Power, in drawing a Soul to himfelff. His Arguments againfi Preparations in general, or rather, not to wrong him, fuch Preparations as Mr. Shepherd thinks need- ful in Order to the Soul's coming to Chriff, are as follows; the Firli whereof, which he infinuates in his Introduacion to his Book, is fummarily and briefly this. Obi. i . We ought rather to remove fumbling Blocks out of the Sinner's Islay, when he is fly- ing to the City of 'Refuge, yefaps thrift, than N 3 put