1,9g Of ths Su,Neg put any in it :9 And ther efòre the requiring of f cla and fuck PreParatáóns is not allowable, (End, for this Pied, `cites Tradition of the Jews anent the City of Refuge. 1 anfwer, The great Rumbling Blocks that in the Sinner's uTayg , hinderin ; it frorn Chrift the City of f Refugë, are, Ignorance, Sc- çcirity, Vorldlirr,:fs, Sell--.rïgIrteozifiwfs,, Pride and Unbelief : And there Mr. Shépherd,as ano- ther yohn Baptif, d.oth, in 'preparing the Way pf the Lord, by the Power and Spirit of Elijah) remove. Mr. Firmin talks at Inch a Rate, as tho' all Mountains and iiirmlalirrg Blocks did confift only in Difcouragement. Obj. 2. All Men are to believe, whether they prepared or unprepared, who hear the lso- fpel : 'T'herefore the pefng f uch prepraratOry Works, Feärs,`?érrors, Rurnilirztions, and Dowrt- caflings unwarrantable and ricedlefs. I anfwer; Neither Mr. Shepherd, nor any Orthodox Divines, who maintain the Nccg- tity of thelë Down-cafiing,s and irilia- tons, or preparatory ifoftions, do main- tain thr! a, . if they gavc, ot corlerr`d' any 11.ight to the Promifes, or to dole with Chrift ; aS' if without t%efe we had no Title Wa,rfarìt to belrca"e'; but they main- tain 'their 't,-ty in Order tO the Phy-.. ca1 Ca.pacitatinl; of the Soul to believe, aN that, not v/t116ut which the Soul ought. not b14 I.k74LhOW: wttk OW k$otri rli 40t