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of Fait& 199 not believe. Though it were granted, That all ought to believe, whether prepared or unprepared, (which yer is a very captious Proportion) yet were thefe Preparations need- ful, becaufe without them none can, nor will believe : And though unprepared Sinners be bound to believe, yet .ill in that Order and Method God requires. if Mr. Firmin had proven that Men ought, could, or would believe without them, he had gained his Point Wherefore they are necelfary not to make it our Duty to believe, but to caufe us believe. Obj. 3. Many gracious Perfins cannot tell you of any fenfible Work they have found of that _Kind ; nor pitch upon the Time and Seafon of it : Therefore, &c. I anfwer, Though all, this were granted, yet the moll it proves, is not that there are no Down-callings or preparatory Difpofiti- ons, but, that they are not always difcernable and known where they may be really And therefore it follows indeed; that the reflex Knowledge ofthefe Preparations is not need-, though in their Being they be needful; and this Mr. Shepherd grants. Obj. 4. Many are drawn by the Love of Chrifl, and Sweetnefs of the Gofpel, and not at all by this rugged Gate. anfwer, All are drawn by Love, and the Sweetnefs of the Qofpel, which are ef- N 4 fetually