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1260 Of the Stihjea fe&wally drawn : The Lawmakes us not bey lieve, but makes us fit for Chrift but this fay, unlefs there were Conviétion of Sin and Mifery by the Law, neither Chrift or his Gofpel could be (weer to a Sinner. I know the Lord deals much more tenderly with Tome, than with others. Obj. 5. The Ways ofGod in drawing, and converting a Sinner `tá' Chrifi, are very fecret and variotr.: And therefore had to be fo particular and determinate, or to confine hint to fuch a Me- thod. Job viii. to. Eph. v. 32. Prov. xxx. 19. Anf. And grants all : And therefore the particular Circumftances, and Manner of this Work is fecret, and we take not upon us to determine that, nor to rearia the Lord to any Inch Method; yet as to the fubilantial Work of Preparation for Chrifi, confifting in Conviction of Sin, and Humiliation under ir, feeing this is the Way fet down in Scrip- ture, we may affirm, that God will walk in his own Road. Obj. 6. 'Tis Tyranny to male the Method gild Way of God's dealing with our (elves, a Standard for others, and yet this many do. Anf. For my Part, I muít needs be fo charitable, as to profefs I know no able Di- vine that loth fo ; nor is there any Ground to charge Mr. Shepherd therewith. Obj .' 7. '7s v 1ee y haul to fay of Souls under <f(ei'ara3ory tr/P k, fat' tley have no more but