Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

Of the Al Faith withrfeveral Scripture Metaphors and Notions, udder which it is holden out to us. 4lottlattlodottlatlotttloa;, CHAP. I. OftheAaof yuftifying Faith. A I TH, in general, is an Affent unto a Teftimony, or an Affent unto any Truth upon the Authority of the Te- itityer; for, ere we can ` affent unto any Thing, we muff have force Evidence of the Truth of that whereunto we Affent. Now, all Evidence is either in the Thing' it felf, and then the A& by which we affent to ir, is Knowledge, or it is extrinfical to the Thing it;felf, and flows from the Authority of forte Teflimony ; which Teflimony is either hu- mane, and then the Affent given upon Autho- rity of Tuch Teflimony, is an humane Faith ; ' or Divine, and then it is Divine Faith ; which therefore, Heb. s r r. is called, The Evidence of ?hings not feen ; becáufe not difcovered frog; anyEvidence of the Na- ture of the Things themfelves; for then were our Affent Knowledge, but -by Reafon of the Light of theTeflimony, : by Which the Truth of thefe things is Peen ; which Evidence is nei=