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of Faith. 249 my Life-Time. Oh ! Saith the Lord, cciinel and take the Waters 0 Life freely, and the more finful, the more welcome, and the fit- ter for my Ends to glorifie my Grace,' Before, the Soul was ignorant of all this, did not believe there was Help for fuch a Wrefch, or if it did, yet knew not the Lord Jefus or his Glory: Oh! Who is he that I May believe on him ? John. ix. 39. did not look on it as its Duty to believe, but imagi- ned it the greateft Prefumption imaginable, and.hence,rejeEteä all Promifes,they are not for me.; hence,not troubled for the Sin of Unbe, lief. It frill thought it was to do fomething, or bring fomething to Chrill, ere it could be accepted : But now another Light shining in the Soul fhows there is Help for it, and difco, vers a hidden Glory which it could never be- fore fee difcovered, likewife its Intereit in the Promifes, that it is the Command of God he fhoUld believe. And this will be the Work whereby it can either honour, or pleafe God moil, and without which it will never get the Lord picafed ; fo as now it thinks it is come to a new World. Oh! Can this be a Delufion, 'call it be poffible that God would have me believe ? There is a 5th Step, and that is a Work of Vivification and Q9ickning, whereby the Will and Affeetions are quickned, and kind kd by the glad Tidings of the Gofpel Look