o f Faith. 251 hended it, yet hash not the Soul as, hap- prehended Chrift, only it longs after 'prizes him, Peeks to him, waits on him, and on his Power, and this is called, A Q.lick- ning of the Dead, the Seed of Life. Eph. i Pet. ii. q.. Hof. xiv. 7. Ezek. XXXVii. ro. Whether this Moving of the -Wiïl and A.f feéions be wrought by any diftin't Work of God's Spirit, from what is on the en derltanding ; or whether if the Lord, by - lightening the Underítanding Both thereby quicken the Will likewife, becaufe of the vivifick Virtue that is in the divine Reve- lation, . I will not difpute ; only as the Un- deritanding is enlightened, fo is the Will likewife furred up and quickned to move. to- wards 'the Lord Jefus ; there was a Law' quickning before, but no Gofpel-quicl ping till now. 6. Step, The Lord Both, in the Day of his Power, draw a Soul to himfelf, by anCwer- ing of Gbje6tions : For ordi.narily,when the Soul gets forne Infight in the Gofpel, and it is thereby made to know its Duty, ees its Title, and from the Senfe pf Sin and Mifery, and difcovered Excellency of Chrift's Righteoufnefs, to prize a Remedy, to groan for a Saviour to deliver from Bondage, and bath fome Hopes, and thereby is Ririe up to go about Tome Means, by which it may - draw near to God, and foinetimes is mint- mg l