Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

2 5 2 Of the Efficient CatiJé ing and endeavouring to clofe .with Chrift." when it is thus with the Soul ordinarily; it is kept back and f}opt by a Multitude of Objeëtions, which the Devil and Unb.e;; lief raifes from Sin, Vilenefs, Inability to believe, doubting of Chrift's W/illingnefs, per-" plexing the Soul fometimes with the un- warrantableEnquiry unto God'sDecree; form- times caft back through Fears of the Want of fufpicient Humiliation ; fometimes Satan perplexes the Soul with QiefIions anent the Nature of Faith, force placing it in Afu- rance, force in Affionce, and the Soul often- times féeking to find in it fei;; that which it apprehends to be Faith, and which it feeks more carefully to know many Times, than to do; all which Objcdlons the Spirit fo clearly anfwers, fatisfies, and retorts back a- gain, that nothing firengthens the Soul, or confirms it more than the removing of thefe, and when thefe fumbling Blocks are remov- ed,then the Ways of the Lord are made plain. JTh. xxxv. 8. The Rubbifh of Unbelief is the JafL Thing that is removed, and then the glorious Building begins and Pets forward. know the Lord may, and I fhall not fay but doth many Times call effe tually a, Soul to himfelf, without fo feufìble and par- ticular a Work of Removing of fuch Ob- mjeátions : For fometimes the Lord appears ¡Li the Freedom of his Grace, fo fully, evi, fiend)/