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of Faith. SECT. III. he Manner how God draws the Soul to himjelf by Faith. (1.) COD deals (particularly) with e- 1" very Sinner he draws unto him- felf: As the Sinner is convinced of Sin and yudgment particulary, fo is it of the Gofpel God declares Remiffion of Sins, and the glad 'Tidings of the Gofpel to a Man particularly/ offers it to, and invites him particularly, fo as this would kem a particular Dealing be- twixt the Lord and the Soul, and none o- ther Hence that Word, I have called thee by Name; all God's Works towards his E- lea', are feparating, diflinguifhing Works. When Paul was converted, and the Lord dealt with him, you fee- it was by a free Communing'betwixt Chrift and Paul them. felves, none other were concerned in it ; the Lord takes the Soul afide from out of the Crowd, and fpeaks to it by Name and Sir- name. yohn x. 3. He calleth his own Sheep by Name. z Tim. iì. Oh Know ye what it is to have had any fuch Reckonings with God. (z.) God draws really, not in Jell, or in Sport, Chrift is very ferious with the Soul, aud the Matters about which the Spirit treats