"i56 Of the Efficient Caufe treats, with the Soul, are of high, grave,- and ferious Importance ; Redemption from Wrath, everlafting Death, Devil and Sin, are not Fancies and Toyes; and they now arc made to appear as they are in them- felves,fubftantial, concerning Matters with which the Soul is taken up above any other Thing in the World, as with a very impor tant Bufnefs becaufe thefe Things are feen 'really by the Light of Glory, and fo are felt in their due Weight d 'Tis the one Thing necefiàry. Luke x. 42. (3.) Earneftly : Chrift is importunate in his Invitations, propofing the ftrongeft Mo- tives; hence is Laid to cry, Ifa. lv. r. Provo i. O. L%ifdona cryeth without, propofing the greateft Advantages to the Soul, in clofing with him, aínd the greateft Evils and Dif- advantages in neglecting, and fighting the Offers of the Gofpel, with the greateft Clearnefs, taking Pains to loofe all Objec- tions, never giving the Heart Reft, but knock ing always until the Soul open. Rev. iii. 20, Importunate, and taking no Excufes, com- ing daily with ftronger Motives and Argu- ments to believe. Ifa. lxv. 2, 3. Holding forth his Hands all Day, giving new On- fets, never giving over, foliciting the Mat- ter, and handling it to hotly as the Soul cannot be' but convinced that Chrift is now in