Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

of Faith. itì good Earne.; and bent upon the Bar- gain,and ye know Importunity prevails much.. (4.) Conflantly, till the Bufrefs be done and ended, Chrifl is not in Fits and ' Starts, but is patient, bears Refufals, will not go away, or deffi for an ill Anfwer, when the Soul is dull and cannot underftand, he fitsNdown and infiruás, he waits to 'be gra- cios, Jer. iii. throughout; ever till the Soul be made to fay, Behold zc,é come unto thee, for thou' art the Lod our God. (5.) Irrefiftibly r (whether by a l'hyfcal Work on the Will, or by á strong,' moral Berfwaliön) By which the Heart is enclined' and bowed to dole with Chrift tendered in the Gofpel; I di(pute not, nor care, fay which y e will, fo be ye granit it to be irre fuUbie. Compel them to come in. Other Sheep I have, and them I mull bring in. John x. 16. Ltéke xiv. 3. The Sinner's Need is fogreat, and the Mercy fo. rich-and full, and the Soul's Title and Calla fo clear, and Chrift the Woo- cr managing all thefe Advantages with the greateft Love, Kindnefs, Wifdon , and fo earnealy, importunately, that the Soul is ir- refiftibly laid Had on, and Trade to fay Lord Jefus thou haft overcome me, and I Can no longer refire, but yields: Chrift en-, gages for all his Elee particularly, All that the Father bath given me 'ball come to me. R (6.) .c1ka-