Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

of Faith 2 the Soul at far[(, like Samuel, knows not that it is the Lord, or from what Airth fuch a Motion doth proceed) nor what it means, whether to Iook on it as a Call from God, or a Delufion from Satan; then fore Know- ledge of what Faith is, and Perfwafons to believe, ,then a clearing of Objedions, and fo iiil more Light, more Strength, until the Soul be led at length to dole fully and wholly with the Lord : Hence the Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a little Leaven which leaveneth the whole Lump. Mat. xviiio Y. I re- tnember, bleed Mr. Shepherd (peaking of fud- den Work, faith, He never liked it ; it feldont proves .found, faith he, 'tis obferved of the bad Ground, That the SeedTown did fuddenly .pring up, or if it prove found, it ordinari- ly returns to its wonted Channel In fome,` I know, he haftens . hi Ilr'ork in Righteoufnefs; (8.) AleUionately : I will draw them with the Bonds of Love : The Lord manifeffs fueh Love, which fo warms the Heart that it cannot refill; the Calls thereof are a vehe- ment Fire: Chrili fees himfelt in a lovely Pofture, when he courts Sinners: Love con- firains, SECT','