2 0 Of the Efficient Caufe SECT. IV. lifes and praEEical InflruEElions. Ufe I.. OF Confolation : To all fuch poorl miferable Creatures, who being convinced of Sin, and their miferable Con- dition, and finding no Help in themfelves, hearing of Help in Chrift, being called and clearly invited to come to Chrift, that fo they may have Life, yet find they cannot believe; partly, becaufe they think they are not fo prepared for Chrift, and humbled as they ought, finding nothing but a dead, .barren, blind Heart ; partly, thro' their Miftakes of Faith,not knowingwhat it is; partly,thro' their Ignoranceof theGrounds of believing,and thro' manifold Temptations which Satan pours in to their. Souls,that hence they think, they íhaff never get Peace,get Life,why ; they defpair e- ver to believe, without which they cannotpleafe God; they pray, meditate, and endeavour to lay hold onChrift,but they cannot fee,nor prize hinì,they cannot cordially acquiefce to theGo- fpci-Way of Salvation, they find a R.efiíting in their Hearts to this ; 'and hence, like poor Ephraim, cry out, Lord turn me, Oh ! Re- member, Faith is not of your [elves, it is the Gift of God : Look to him, who not only pays the Prifoner's Radom and Debt, for which