of faith. 261 which he is shut in, but with a firongeland cornes and brings the Captive out, breaking all his Chains, and the Doors that. were. Phut upon him. john x. 16. Them lmuff draw in. Wert thou with thy own Strength to believe or aft Faith, never fhouldfl thou ,get it done, but fhouldfi certainly and without Reme- dy perifh : But now confider, the Lord bath engaged for all his EleL., (all that thou haft given me fhall come to me) and it may be for thee Oh ! Look up here then to him, Who can quickly loofe all thy Bonds, and make thee not only corne, but run to him : He is of Purpofe letting thee find thy own Inabi- lity to believe, that thou mayfl fee thy Need of him to canfe thee to believe, and that thon mayft acknowledge this precious Faith to be the Gift of God. life of Confutation, of Arminians, Quak- ers and Papifls, wl ò maintain indeed, that Man of himfelf can do nothing, but that at certain Seafons,when the Perfon is well difpo fed,fayArminians andPapif$s, where the Light breaks out, fay Quakers, thro' a new Power given and maintained by Chrift, which they call univerfal and fufficient Grace,a Man hav4 ing fufEcient Means, may-come to Chrift, if he will, on Chrifizs Call, and which Call they may likewife refill. And there in Words do acknowledge, all to proceed from the Grace of,God,and 'tismuch in their Mouths but they give but goodly Words, and refolve 3l