P64 Of the_E cient Caufe Sign CO Faith that is eafily corne.by and attained, and grows' Of its own A,c.cord, is not 'that fpeciai Faith of the Operation of God: Faith, being a precious Thing, is not eafily had, wild. Corn and weeds ,grow of their own Accord, without Labour; But the Herbs which `the, Gardner lets, 'need" much Labour. Heb. xi. 6. 2'hey that diligently fee! thee¡hall find thee. The Gate to `Life, which is Fait}'_ is flrait, and the Way narrow, hot èafie to thruft in, and the Kingdom of Hea- ven fujers Violence. If thy Faith be of the Operation of God, it bath colt thee many 'a Prayer, 'Sigh and Tear : There bath been Much Vdrdfling with Unbelief ; many `hrows, and Pangs, and Sorrows, ere this 4 Child bath come to the World. We get no precious Things cAly. Pnv. ii. If thou feekeftJo, UJnde,fianding co for hid Treafures. It was ne er difficult to many tà believe, they have eafily; anc/ wilt ;ittic ''Pains, been made to believe, and they can do fo when they lift, with lithe ado : If thou hall never digged for thcfe r. 'reafures, thon full not fallen upon the right Faith : This Jt.wel lycs in more inacceflible Ground: .Sign (2'.)' If thou haft not found, not only the Difficulty, but the Impof ability ,of be- lieving;' and fro waft never made to groan, rm- der the great Power of Unbelief, to. the.. Lord, and to cry, O Lord, I taunot' b lace,